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Music Inspiration: Victoria Beckham Ad

One of the newest features of Weekly Art Date is a weekly Music Inspiration post. This will include a YouTube video to inspire you and pictures of the page that I created based on the video. Sometimes this will include a video by me, like today’s post. Students of Weekly Art Date get these posts weekly; I post them here every other week or so.

Many thanks to Teddi for sending me the link to this week’s video inspiration:

Direct link:

Cool, right?

Here’s a video of the page I made inspired by the video:

Direct Link:


Why should you sign up for Weekly Art Date? You’d get videos like this every week, at least one a week is the promise, but usually 2 or 3 is more likely! When you are a member of the class, you  have the option to download any of the videos created by me to your computer to keep forever. Plus, you have access to all of the discussion boards and a chance to make new friends with the other students in the class. You can start at any time. The class runs from January – December 2012, so there’s still plenty of time to get your journalin’ on. Plus, since the classroom will stay open for at least one year after the class ends, you’ll be able to catch up on your own time.

Music Inspiration: January Hymn by the Decemberists

Sometimes when I’m not sure what I want to work on, I will listen to music and create a page inspired by the song. I also love finding music videos on YouTube and drawing inspiring from those, whether it’s from the colors and lighting used in the video or the song lyrics. Every week or so, I’ll find a song or video to share so we can all be inspired.

For our first Music Inspiration post, I searched for “January” on YouTube, and this is the video I found inspiring:

Here are the lyrics:

On a winter’s Sunday I go
To clear away the snow
And green the ground below

April all an ocean away
Is this the better way to spend the day?
Keeping the winter at bay

What were the words I meant to say before you left?
When I could see your breath lead
Where you were going to
Maybe I should just let it be
And maybe it will all come back to me
Sing: O January O

How I lived a childhood in snow
And all my teens in tow
Stuffed in strata of clothes

Pale the winter days after dark
Wandering the gray memorial park
A fleeting beating of hearts

What were the words I meant to say before she left?
When I could see her breath lead
Where she was going to
Maybe I should just let it be
And maybe it will all come back to me
Sing: O January O

(from elyrics)

I made a video showing the page I created inspired by this song/video:

I’d love to see what you come up with!