Back into the swing of things

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged regularly — I guess it hasn’t been a priority, but I must confess I miss sharing my art from time to time!  In case you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to lately:

  1. I’m currently filming a new online class called Funky Fun Fabrics (tentatively — might change!).  This is a project-based class where I show how to make my mixed fabric journals like this one in my etsy shop: quilted journal. I initially had some technical difficulties, since this is the first time I’m filming anywhere other than at my art table, but I’ve worked out the kinks, just gotta find the time to finish up the filming so I can get to work editing.  Goal is to have the class finished by the end of the month.
  2. Speaking of classes, I’m working on a few other classes as well.  I’ve changed my approach to doing classes — instead of working along with everyone else — i.e. filming as I go; I am working on having all of the content and videos done and ready for viewing before the first day of class.  In fact, I’m not even going to open the classes for registration until that point.  I ran into troubles keeping up when I was doing the Weekly Art Date class and I learned from that to never do that again!  I had a blast doing that class, but I definitely got in over my head pretty quickly. So now I’m changing it up and doing smaller classes that are completely finished before the first student even registers.  I’m hoping this will make for more enjoyable class experiences!  We just finished up the 30 Day Craft Cleanse and it was awesome not having to worry about getting the lessons finished, since they already were, and I could instead focus on interacting with everyone.  Way better!  (You can still sign up for the 30 Day Craft Cleanse by the way — it’s a work-at-your-own-pace type of class so your 30 days can start whenever you would like!)
  3. In other news, I have been a busy little bee in my metalsmithing studio lately. Jewelry was my first craft love, many years ago when I was obsessed with making unique hemp jewelry, and I taught jewelry classes for many years to teens.  While I was teaching, my own jewelry fell to the wayside as I focused on developing cool projects for the students.  That time was awesome and I loved every minute, but now that I’m not worried about making doable projects for middle school students, I can delve into some more complicated stuff, like working with metals and resins. I haven’t photographed much of my work, but I’ll be working on that soon to show you some of my works in progress.  I’m working to fill my booth at a local craft mall before the holidays, so I have tons of pieces in varying states of progress.

Anyway… will update again soon with pictures!  Hope you are all doing well!  What have you been up to lately?

About craftymoira

Weekly Art Date is an online art journal course taught by Moira Richardson of Crafty Moira. Weekly Art Date is hosted on

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