Archive | February 2012

Music Inspiration: Victoria Beckham Ad

One of the newest features of Weekly Art Date is a weekly Music Inspiration post. This will include a YouTube video to inspire you and pictures of the page that I created based on the video. Sometimes this will include a video by me, like today’s post. Students of Weekly Art Date get these posts weekly; I post them here every other week or so.

Many thanks to Teddi for sending me the link to this week’s video inspiration:

Direct link:

Cool, right?

Here’s a video of the page I made inspired by the video:

Direct Link:


Why should you sign up for Weekly Art Date? You’d get videos like this every week, at least one a week is the promise, but usually 2 or 3 is more likely! When you are a member of the class, you  have the option to download any of the videos created by me to your computer to keep forever. Plus, you have access to all of the discussion boards and a chance to make new friends with the other students in the class. You can start at any time. The class runs from January – December 2012, so there’s still plenty of time to get your journalin’ on. Plus, since the classroom will stay open for at least one year after the class ends, you’ll be able to catch up on your own time.

February Giveaway!

Okay, Art Daters, it’s time for our second giveaway!

Up for grabs we have a bunch of goodies:

Remember: if you are a full year member of the class, you get one automatic entry in the giveaway, but you can earn a second entry by leaving a comment in the classroom here.

(Please note: this giveaway is only open to members of Weekly Art Date! If you aren’t in the class, it’s not too late to sign up! Remember: you’ll have access to the content for at least one year after the class ends (so until 12/31/13).)

Music Inspiration: Be Positive Project

Okay, so this isn’t exactly a music prompt, although there is music. The video is a commercial clip produced by the BE postive project, which is sponsored by Singapore’s Health Promotion Board. (Kinda of random, I know!) But — I was instantly inspired by the video, and it’s nice that it has a positive message.

Here is the video:

Here’s a video of the page I made inspired by the video:

If you want to do your own profile image, I did mine by standing next to a white wall (so it would be easy to see where to cut) and by holding out my digital camera and taking a few pictures until I got one that worked. It would have been much easier to have someone take the picture for me, but Nick was sleeping at the time. Any decently solidly colored background should work, and, really, even if it’s really busy in the background, you shouldn’t have a problem cutting out your image.

Crayons Are Awesome!

I love stop motion animation and have always wanted to try my hand at one. This week, I made two! You can see the first one tomorrow at Awkward and Beautiful (or by visiting my YouTube channel, if you are impatient). Here is my second movie, called True Colors:



Hey, my Neocolors are finally seeing some action! It’s a short film, but it required approximately 125 photographs! Wow!

Congratulations: Giveaway Winner Announced

As you know, each month of Weekly Art Date, I’ll be hosting a giveaway for all of the class members. Full year members are automatically entered into each drawing, plus have the chance to get an entry entry by leaving a comment for each giveaway. The January giveaway was for a set of three mini canvases made by me:

Mini Art Canvases Set


Congratulations to Patti, who is the giveaway winner! Patti, your package was sent out this morning! You should have it within a day or two. Enjoy!

Stay tuned for the February giveaway, coming soon!

Remember, since Weekly Art Date is a full year class whose content never expires, it’s never too late to sign up!

Hello, February!

Today I have a special treat for you! You like treats, right? Last year in November or so, I decided that I would design a 2012 calendar for myself — I wanted to add simple word prompts that would spark my creativity throughout the whole of 2012. I made a giant list of words that suggested writing prompts, color schemes, and techniques to try on my art journal pages. I wrote all of the prompts onto pieces of paper and drew them out of a bag in order to assign them to every weekday of the year. Once I had my prompts established, I proceeded to set up my backgrounds for each month by printing blank girds and glueing them to a collage background. A few swipes of pretty paint later and I was ready to scan them in to add the dates and digital images. It was a lot of work, but boy do I love the results!

I hope you do, too, because today I have a free download for you of a February prompt calendar that you can print out and hang on your wall for inspiration or use as a desktop background for the month.

Download the pdf version and/or jpg version. (The PDF is higher quality for printing; the JPG is a smaller file.

If you like the calendar and want to buy the full year, it’s available here. (Use the coupon code: ARTDATE to save 25%!)

Or, if you aren’t already a member of Weekly Art Date, you get the full year calendar for free when you sign up for the full year ($45 for 40 weeks of weekly downloadable art journal videos and inspiration!) {Sorry, the coupon can’t be applied for the class!} [Skip etsy and go straight to paypal to sign up]